Wednesday 15 July 2015


Having acne, frizzy hair, or a gap between your teeth doesn't make you unattractive. Choosing to mock someone because of what they look like cannot be condoned. 

Am I less beautiful if my eyebrows aren't perfectly symmetrical? If I'm having a bad skin day, does that make me less desirable? Or even ugly? It's called the Don't Judge Me Challenge, but I'm feeling a lot of judgement towards the perception of beauty. We tell our friends to love the skin they're in, and then we make fun of people with spots on their faces and wonky smiles. That's not fair.

I'm challenging you to take part in the Self Love Challenge. It needn't be for the internet. Do it for yourself. I don't want social media to become any more of a platform upon which we openly body shame our friends. Let's open our hearts, and spread the love.



Wednesday 1 July 2015

Why I Share My Journey

If you want to know why I'm sharing my journey of recovery on my private Instagram account and my blog, this is the purest answer I can give you: I don't want to be alone.

I don't want to feign that what I'm enduring is a passing phase. It's real. What I feel is present and real. Mental health is important. I'm going to repeat that. Mental health is important. We are all human created in the eyes of God. Mental illnesses do not define you as a spiritual being.

I'm also writing because I want you, need you, to take care of yourself. Celebrate little victories. Getting out of bed in the morning. Recognise happy moments. When your doggy pads over just to snuggle you. Strive for a life of health, happiness, and humility.

Look out for your friends. Never leave someone alone. Pull them back harder and stronger. If you ever feel alone, look at the clouds, and know that you have something great inside you. It is what you are destined to reflect, and the reason why you have a beautiful body to be in. I want people to become more aware of and sensitive towards others.

Let's all just look out for each other, okay?


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