Friday 11 October 2019

It’s Not Me, It’s You

A plethora of thoughts have been clouding my mind recently. These thoughts are mostly elusive, fleeting before I can pin them down. There is one thought, however, that has been persistent and bleating at me like the world’s most annoying sheep:

Why do I worry so much about what other people think of me, or the effect I have on them?

By this I don’t mean, “I hope he thinks I’m pretty” or “I hope she thinks I’m cool enough to invite to her party”. I mean more abstract worries that are even further out of my control. Worries such as, “My best friend is upset, what have I done?” Or “My lecturer didn’t look at me this morning, did I do something wrong?” This speaks very clearly to my anxiety about how much effect and influence I have on other people. It stresses me deeply and is quite a pervasive experience. I can’t seem to go through one day without worrying that I am the source of other people’s misery, misfortunate, or distress. 

This places immense pressure on me to be a kind of social chameleon: I change my colours and adapt to different social situations in order to be the kind of person different people need me to be so that I don’t upset them or leave them feeling deserted. When I am on my own, however, I don’t know what kind of person to be for myself. I am exhausted at the end of the day after being different people for everyone else around me:

Happy Sarah-Kate who will laugh at the joys and mishaps of daily life with you.
Comforting Sarah-Kate who will talk with you till all hours of the morning about your worries.
Care-free Sarah-Kate who will go for drinks with you.
Patient and Understanding Sarah-Kate who will stay with you until you feel more relaxed and calm.

Even so, I still manage to convince myself and fill my head with terrible thoughts that the problems of everyone around me are somehow my fault. If I see my friend looking upset on the bus, I will think it is because I offended them in some way. If my mom doesn’t say hello to me in a friendly tone, I will think that I made her angry or frustrated. I place so much pressure on myself to be just the right temperature for other people to avoid conflict that I believe I inevitably start.

What I have come to realize after countless, and often circular, therapy sessions is that the misfortunes of people are not my fault. I genuinely overestimate how much of an influence I have over other people, and I don’t know why. All I know is the liberating truth that most times it is not me, it’s you. I am working more and more towards liberating myself from the bullying side of my brain that tells me that the world’s problems rest on my existence and that I need to make myself small and likeable in order to keep the peace. How is that fair? How is fair for me to assume blame for the burdens of other people that have nothing to do with me? If my tutor gives me the side-eye glance, maybe they just had a bad morning, left the house late, or even had a fight with their parents, and NOT because I have done something wrong to them. If my friend doesn’t wave back at me, maybe it’s because they really didn’t see me or they aren’t feeling their best, and NOT because I made them feel angry or upset.

I feel like I am continuously retraining my brain to question my coping mechanisms, unhealthy behaviours, and my previously unquestioned views of myself and the world around me. I don’t, however, see this as a burden or punishment. Everyday I am becoming a stronger and more enlightened version of myself as I learn, discover, unlearn, and reimagine ways of becoming the best possible version of myself, for myself. I find my mental state becomes stronger the more I question why I treat myself so badly and place immense pressure on myself to be perfect. Thought it is incredibly daunting and difficult to interrogate your own mind on what it is convinced to be true, you  will also come to realize how mentally constructed feelings of worthlessness are, and that they can be dismantled by you, the true commander of your worth.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Why I Stopped Instagramming

I recently went through something that caused me to take three major steps back and re-evaluate the way I treat people. I asked myself the following questions: 

“Am I a genuinely good person?” 

“Do I emit the authentic and caring vibes I want to receive?” 

“How can I preach friendship and care when I can barely look inside myself and show myself the same love?"

Often times the source of my discomfort and disbelief in myself and my abilities comes from social media. Social media, for me, has become a crutch. I have started using it as a tool to remind myself I am alive, to validate my existence through affirmation from other people, and to remind myself I am a good person by posting an inspirational quote. This has resulted in my life becoming an illusion, a fantasy. The picture I post in a single moment capturing a still shot becomes the defining aspect of my entire day. I become nothing more than a two-dimensional representation of the world I long to live in: A world filled with shocking blue Huji skies, VSCO iced coffees, puppies and sunflowers that aren't mine, and Pinterest pasta.

But of course there is the behind-the-scenes of social media: The messy bits, the crying fits, the bloated tummies, the bitten nails, the pimples, the scars, the bursts of rage... The colourful and mundane things we all experience but that are not "aesthetically pleasing" enough for social media. So what do we do with those moments? We suppress them, we delete them, we put filters on them, and we hide them from the world. I truly believe that this is the source of millennial and gen Z unhappiness: We have stopped living for pleasure and have started living for people through our growing obsession with social media. The likes, the shoutouts, the follows... we crave affirmation that we are alive, that we are good enough, and that our bodies are the right size.

I became obsessed with Instagram. I was one of those people who laughed at my friends who had a menagerie of editing apps on their phone for their Instagram photos: One for layouts, one for collages, one for adding just the right amount of saturation to make them look tanned. In reality, I was one of those girls too. I scheduled when I was going to post my pictures, what my captions would be, what hashtags I would use, and stressed over the minute details of posting the picture. I wondered how people would think of me if I posted a bikini pic, and whether or not I was pretentious for making my caption a lyric from a song I’d never heard before. Endless questions about my appearance and existence was handed to strangers across the screen and taken completely out of my control. I lost who I was entirely.

Comparing myself to strangers on Instagram became inevitable. Instagram models are among the 0.01% of women whose bodies runway-ready. But when I was a teenager and first starting on Instagram, I was prepubescent with no boobs or hips to speak of. Seeing these women and their attraction, popularity, and success all stemming from their beautifully toned bodies hit me harder than anything else could have at that tender age. I began idealising these women for the wrong reasons: Not because of their success, entrepreneurship, or their confidence, but for their bodies which I had always wanted. I craved the attention and glamour that their beautiful bodies afforded them. I wanted all that they had. I wanted to be bronzed, curvy, shiny, sleek, and overflowing with confidence. Instead I felt awkward, unnoticed, insecure, and unworthy.

I have found that sense of doubting myself, my recovery, and how far my body has gotten me comes back the more I post on Instagram. This is where the cycle starts:

The more I feel insecure, the more I post to make myself feel validated and 'heard'. But the more I post, the more insecure I feel about what I see other people doing and accomplishing on Instagram.

I was posting up to three times a day, spending hours on the explore page, and following model after model planning how efficiently and sneakily I would diet to lose just enough weight to feel just like them, but not so much so that I would relapse into anorexia.

I forced myself to step out of myself and look critically at my social media habits. I was seeking external validation to correct something inside me that felt wrong, out of place, and unlovable. I realised that that is where my eating disorder stems from too: Something inside me becomes bitter, and I begin to seek something external to manipulate instead of examining the problem as rooted inside me. With my eating disorder, the external thing I manipulated as food. With feeling insecure about my body and becoming conflicted about my self image and values, the external thing I manipulated was my Instagram. I put rosy filters and creative captions on square and static images of my life to try and fool myself that I was happy with the person  becoming: A person lived for social media.

So I stopped Instagramming which was incredibly hard initially. I felt what can only be described as social media withdrawals. That is when I saw just how obsessed with Instagram I was. I kicked myself into action by buying a new journal and writing myself a manifesto about who I wanted to become in this period of 'Instagram Abstinence'. I imagined the ideal version of myself, and after at least three more kinder and realistic versions of this, I penned down the kinds of values and vibes I wanted to emanate on my own without needing the rest of the world on my side.

I wanted to live for moments, not people. I wanted the freedom to read without checking my phone, of moving my body without taking selfies of my outfit, of eating a meal without feeling terrible afterwards by looking at pictures of stick-thin models. I wanted to know who I was by spending time with myself, not by scrolling through my Instagram feed to remind myself of who I was. Because those frozen moments forever archived on Instagram are not real life. They are stillness, not real life. They are static, not real life. Real life is falling, growing, gaining weight, finding love, healing, sweating, bleeding, and bruising. Real life is wildly tragic and insanely powerful. And that is what I am trying to experience in all its messiness right now.


Wednesday 27 March 2019

Questions of Self Discovery

I am writing this on what is the busiest day of my young student life, but I need some downtime from all the chaos and craziness that is buzzing around me. I don’t know how I managed to find time to sit down, nor did I think I would find this time, but I need it to stop and breathe. I often don’t have time in the semester, as busy as it becomes, to check in with myself and whether or not I am happy on the journey I am on. I get lost in the whirlwind of responsibilities and deadlines, and in the process lose myself and my sense of balance. It is at times like these that I forget what I am working towards in my recovery: Growth, independence, and happiness. I become so dedicated to my work and making others happy that I neglect to work on myself and make myself happy.

I have decided to use this opportunity of reflection to evaluate and meditate on my ever-growing journey of self discovery, and to rest within myself.

What am I most proud of?  

I would say my strength in working towards freedom from my eating disorder. Anorexia brings out the worst in me when I succumb to its cruelness, but also the best in me when I find it in myself to rise above it. It is on those days that I believe that I will truly be free of this illness if I only keep believing that that strength I harbour inside myself is more powerful than Ana herself.

Who inspires me? Why do they inspire me?

My mother inspires me. She has experienced and endured such pain and hardships in her life, and yet through the trauma she has grown into a classy, empowered, and powerful woman.  She has not allowed all the sorrow and pain she has had to endure determine what she has become.

What does my ideal morning look like?

Ideally,  I wake up naturally feeling well-rested and energized. I let my body feel floaty and relaxed for a few minutes before getting out of bed and stretching. I drink a cup of hot water with lemon and honey in the garden and listen to the birds fluttering around. Afterwards, I make myself breakfast, eating slowly and mindfully. I might get back into bed to journal my intentions for the day and repeat some mindfulness mantras.

In the next month, I want to...

Have my driver’s license and be comfortable driving and running errands on my own.

I am grateful for...

My family who never fail to provide me with warmth, love, kindness, and support.

I need more ___ in my life because...

I need more soulfulness and faith in my life because I do not feel as close to God as I used to.

What are five short term goals I have?

  1. Get my driver’s license
  2. Draw up a new meal plan
  3. Find healthy and moisturizing products for my hair
  4. Spend less money
  5. Stay away from negative energy

Where do I see myself in six months?

I see myself as a healthy and happy 21 year old woman, driving, studying, and living as a soulful, mindful, and self-assured independent woman.

What is one important lesson I learned this week?

I have learned that the only thing I can do, the only thing I should expect from myself, is my best.

In the next month, I want to...

Find more ways to detox from stressful and anxiety-inducing situations other than sleeping.

In the next year, I want to...

Save more money and build my professional connections.

What would I tell my childhood self?

I would tell her to cherish her childhood and stop wanting to grow up so quickly.

What would I tell my future self?

Please choose the paths that make you the happiest, no matter what.

If I had one million rand, I would...

Invest, donate, and travel.

What are ten things that make me happy?

  1. Babies wearing big hats
  2. The excitable nature of puppies
  3. Lying in the sunshine feeling warm and peaceful
  4. Bubble baths after long and sleepy days
  5. Swimming in the ocean, feeling so immersed in nature
  6. Spinning around and around with my arms out
  7. Old cartoons
  8. Rifling through photographs from my childhood
  9. Listening to ‘80s music
  10. Napping next to someone I love 

If I could travel anywhere, where would I go?

I would want to go to Italy with my mom.

The person I am most thankful for is...

My parents and my sister.

What inspires me?

The thought that everyday contains the potential for greatness happiness, and love.

What does my ideal day look like?

I would spend my ideal day alone with myself. I would spend the day in silence, away from my phone and technology. I would wake up early, have the ideal morning I described above, and do some yoga. I would want to be outside for as much time as possible, swimming, running, walking, breathing, and being in nature.  I would have a picnic with myself: Fruit, crackers, cheese, biltong, water, nuts, chocolate, and pretzels. I would read as many books as possible, and draw anything and everything. I would watch the sunset beside the ocean while watching the waves crash on the shore. I would want to fall asleep beneath the stars, lying on my back, snuggled under warm blankets.

What type of legacy do I want to leave behind?

I want to be remembered as someone who loved others and herself with her whole heart. I want to be remembered as selfless, compassionate, warm, empowered, and faithful.


Saturday 9 February 2019

Oh, Hello 2019!

We are more than a month into The Year of The Pig and I can already feel a promise in the air of change and new beginnings. Like a bird quivering on the branch of a peach tree, my sense of trepidation is held up by my sense of adventure and my need to take flight.

Often when I start to think of New Years Resolutions, I try and think of ways to reinvent myself. But this year, someone very smart told me to reflect on the path my life has followed from 2017 to 2018 and to see if I am happy with the progress I have made since then. Following from that, I devised a list of resolutions that will build and strengthen my character and personality rather than break them down and reinvent them. In the past, reinventing myself and trying to be someone I’m not in order to try and revolutionize my new year has never followed through or lasted long at all. I have found it to be like entering a relationship with someone and lying about who you are: Eventually you become unhappier as the true you gets smothered by an unattainable version of you. I often strive for perfection in my New Years Resolutions by developing a ridiculous regimen to whip myself into shape complete with dietary restrictions, a killer exercise routine, a packed study schedule, and very little time for a social life or myself. I have ultimately realized that these resolutions can be seen as innocently designed to improve my life, but I take them too far when they threaten my mental health. That is the last thing I want to do in the final year of my undergraduate degree, the year I turn 21, and the year I complete my 100 Days of Courage.

That being said, here is my list of kinder more hopeful New Years Resolutions for 2019:

  1. Gaining more independence through driving
  2. Managing food and nutrition in a mature and healthy way
  3. Nurturing my relationship with my parents
  4. Strengthening my relationships with true friends
  5. Spending less time on social media
  6. Reading more books, one of my favourite pastimes I have neglected 
  7. Being active (Purposefully keeping this vague so that anorexia does not take over this resolution)
  8. Saving more money than I spend
I highly encourage you to set a list of goals per month too. This will help you feel a lot more accomplished on a month to month basis, as well as giving you hope and strength that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Breaking your goals into smaller chunks that are easier to manage can also help you achieve more in a shorter space of time.

The perfectionist in me is disappointed that I have only clarified my New Years Resolutions after the new year is already in full swing, but you know what? It is never too early to start or too late to begin. Whether you decide to reinvent yourself or build on the person you are already becoming, I wish you a fruitful and prosperous 2019. Let’s take down the patriarchy and be kind to each other.


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