Sunday 7 February 2016

Thank You

Let me begin by saying that, although this is going to be published online for the world to see, this is a personal letter of thanks from me to you.

Thank you for supporting me in this journey. I couldn't have done it without you. Your love, support, comments, phone calls, messages, hugs, and words of wisdom have helped me in more ways than you know. Thank you for believing in me when I didn't think I could make it. Thank you for holding me when I just wanted to fall deep deep deep into another hole. Thank you for loving me when I couldn't love myself. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for reading my blog. I honestly didn't think anyone would read this, but here we are! I feel like I'm sitting across from you, and saying all of this to you. That's how much I feel connected to everyone who has helped me along the way.

I am becoming more of the person I have always hoped I'd become. I'm becoming someone who people can look to for advice, and be a pillar of strength and wisdom for people who are suffering with similar ordeals.

I want you to know that I am always here for you. We have to stick together if we want to make it through the day. If you need someone to crawl with you, I am here. If you want someone to vent to or cry to, I am here. I am here through the good and the bad, the ugly and the sad. I will stay with you when it starts raining, and I will still be there when the sun shines on you. Always.

Thank you for walking with me, and standing by me. It means so much to me. My heart could burst with the love and pride I feel for being blessed with such compassionate friends and family. Thank you so much. Having you in my life makes life worth living.


Copyright © 2014 Sarah-Kate Says