Friday 17 October 2014

Choosing To Be Happy

Hello everyone! I can't string enough words together to verbalise how excited I am that the weekend has finally come. The weather promises to be spectacularly sunny, so I can pull up a chair, grab some lemonade and... get cracking on my studying.

One question that I get asked a lot is "How are you always so happy?" I take this as a compliment. I consider myself an optimist, as I always try to make the best of a bad situation. I just don't see the point letting yourself down about something when you have the power to change it. The reason why I'm so happy all the time is simple: I try not to let the little negative things get me down. I surround myself with positive energy as much as possible, because pessimism and I are not good friends. I find that people feed off of energy, so being around happy, sprightly people always makes for a good time.

I have a positive outlook on life. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and my number one motto is "Que sera, sera" which means whatever will be, will be. I've learned to be thankful for all of the opportunities that I have been blessed with, and I congratulate others when they have good luck. Jealousy will only make you sullen, and will make you appear a bad friend.

Smiling also helps me to be more happy. There's rarely a moment in the day when I'm not smiling. Interestingly enough, a girl in a younger grade approached me and told me that she had never not seen me smiling, which made me smile even more. Smiling is infectious, and will make everyone else feel happy. So I guess that makes happiness infectious, and besides who doesn't wanna be happy? Wow, how many times can I say happy? Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy, okay I'll stop. Smiling is the easiest thing to do to perk yourself, and everyone around you, up.

I live life as I can, and do things that make me happy. I recently read a quote from Angelina Jolie that said "I don't believe in guilt; I believe in living on impulse as long as you never intentionally hurt another person. And don't judge people in your life. I think you should live completely free." This quote essentially summarises my views on 'guilty pleasures'. I don't believe they should be labelled as 'guilty pleasures', because the very word 'guilty' implies that it's something that should not be done, and we are to feel ashamed should we dare do it. The question I would like to pose is: Why should you feel guilty for enjoying something? If you are worried that people will ostracise you should they discover your guilty pleasure, then you need to rethink if these are people you want in your life. The word 'pleasure' implies that it's going to make you feel content and satisfied. Therefore, if whatever you do gives you a sense of content satisfaction, then you should by all means do it, as long as you do not harm or jeopardise anyone.

One last thing that I would like to bring to light, is that a lot of people assume that happy people are bereft of problems. This is not entirely true. Happiness is not the absence of problems, but rather being able to look at your problems in perspective, and approach and deal with them with the proper attitude.

I hope you all have an excellent weekend. I hope you smile a lot, and are a little bit spontaneous. See ya next Friday, sweeties!



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